27 Feb, 2020
Private Business Action for Biodiversity (PBAB) in collaboration with India Business and Biodiversity Initiative (IBBI) facilitated interaction with industries to provide inputs for developing post-2020 global biodiversity framework which will support in early adaptation of biodiversity aspects in businesses. A daylong workshop organised on 27th February 2020 in Kochi focused on facilitating interactions among agricultural and food sector businesses to ensure role of businesses and their contribution for the post 2020 global biodiversity framework. Outputs from the workshop will be shared with the Indian government for the development of post-2020 biodiversity framework and the importance of engaging the private sector in developing the new framework.
The role of businesses in developing the post 2020 global biodiversity framework is critical considering that all business value chain ultimately rely on healthy ecosystem services and natural capital. Many business leaders understand that there are risks associated with biodiversity loss and opportunities associated with developing sustainable practices for use of biodiversity. At the CBD COP 13 and 14, various business sectors were priorities for mainstreaming biodiversity. In the context of a new post 2020 biodiversity framework, there exists a unique opportunity for the creation of targets that are more appropriate, applicable and implementable for businesses to use. Speakers highlighted the cooperation between biodiversity and business as “key to shaping imprints to a sustainable future. Speaker from WWF emphasised that mainstreaming biodiversity into decision making across economic sectors will be a “foundational element” of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. This will help them in minimising future risks related to changing policies at national and global level and developing resilient businesses for future challenges due to climate change impacts and biodiversity losses.
Commitments by the participants for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation included:
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