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  Issue no. 27 | May 2024  
  Indo-German Biodiversity Programme Newsletter  
Programme newsletter header
  This newsletter shares project updates and thematic news from our programme
A service by IGBP, GIZ
Dear Readers,

Today, as we celebrate the International Day for Biodiversity 2024, we are called upon to "Be Part of the Plan" urging all the stakeholders to reverse biodiversity loss by supporting the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, also referred to as ‘The Biodiversity Plan’. The progress from agreement to action on the four Goals and 23 Targets of the Biodiversity Plan hinges on a ‘whole of government’ and ‘whole of society’ approach to implementation.

In this edition, we bring an encouraging story of change of a woman farmer from one of the biodiversity hotspots – the Western Ghats, highlighting the role of women in biodiversity conservation. Additionally, we highlight the e-learning course that gives learners an opportunity to understand the wetlands conservation and management discourse in the country.

Together let us find ways to protect and restore, prosper with nature, share benefits fairly, invest and collaborate. Let us all be part of the plan.

» Cultivating Change
New Releases and Resources
» E-learning Course on Wetland Conservation and Management in India
» Handbook Series on Sustainable Production of Cardamom, Cumin and Turmeric
» A Short Film on Green Renuka Ji Fair
» A Short Film on Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation
Updates from the Projects
» Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection
Timeless Publications: Old Works for New Perspectives
» People's Biodiversity Register: Simply Explained
Important Days and Events
About the Programme
Other Relevant Newsletters
Cultivating Change
On this Biological Diversity Day, under the theme "Be Part of the Plan" we honour Kausalya Devi and all women whose deep-rooted respect for mother earth is key to biodiversity conservation.

Kausalya Devi begins her day with a sacred routine, offering prayer and water to her Tulsi plant and fodder to her cow. 60-year-old Kausalya came to Chinnapuliyur village in Erode, Tamil Nadu 30 years ago after marriage. With seven acres of land in the household, out of which 1.75 acres under her name, and an additional 3 acres on lease, she cultivates turmeric, coconut, sugarcane, groundnut, banana, and sesame seeds.
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One Health Infographic
©GIZIndia/ Pradnya Thombare
  New Releases and Resources  
E-learning Course on Wetland Conservation and Management in India
Developed under the IKI-BMUV project “Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection” in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Government of India, this online course is the gateway to understanding the fundamentals of conservation and effective management of this vital ecosystems. With technical support from Wetlands International South Asia (WISA), we bring you this self-paced, interactive learning experience.
Cover Page of the Publication
Handbook Series on Sustainable Production of Cardamom, Cumin and Turmeric
This three-handbook series is published under the Enhancement of Smallholder Spice Farmers’ Capacities in Sustainable Farming Project. It is part of the develoPPP programme. It aims to create awareness among farmers regarding the sustainable production practices for cardamom, cumin and turmeric ensuring long-term viability of spice cultivation while minimising negative environmental impacts.
Cover Page of the Publication
A Short Film on Green Renuka Ji Fair
Renuka wetland, situated in the foothills of Western Himalayas, is a natural lake of immense cultural significance and a designated Ramsar Site. A week-long annual Renuka Ji International Fair attracts over 100,000 daily visitors and 700+ commercial establishments, making effective waste management is a key challenge for local authorities. As part of the #SaveWetlandsCampaign launched by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, the government of Himachal Pradesh hosted a Green Renuka Ji International Fair in November 2023 as a collective endeavour to address this challenge.
This initiative was supported by the IKI-BMUV project ‘Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection’. Learn more about multi-stakeholder collaboration involving local communities and businesses, tourists, government departments and Himachal Pradesh State Wetland Authority, with technical support from Waste Warriors Society.
A Short Film on Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation
Conservation of biodiversity, including wildlife, is essential for India because the consequences of biodiversity loss and the resulting loss of ecosystem services will have a far-reaching impact on livelihoods. This film talks about the Indo-German Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation project which concluded on 30 June 2023, highlighting its results and achievements.
Thumbnail Image
  Updates from the Programme/Projects  
A group photo of the event © GIZ India
©GIZ India/Tanbir Azmi
Beyond Binaries: Highlights from Our Gender Responsiveness Training
In the landscape of modern workplaces, fostering an environment of inclusivity and understanding remains an important element of organisational success. Recently, our team underwent training to broaden our perspectives and enhance our commitment to gender responsiveness.
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Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection
A group photo of the event © GIZ India
©GIZ India
Developing Capacity for the Media of Tomorrow: Wetlands Training Programme for Media Students 
Wetland conservation thrives on inclusive, community-driven initiatives and the media has an essential role in enhancing public awareness through wetland narratives in media coverage.
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  Timeless Publications: Old Works for New Perspectives  
People's Biodiversity Register: Simply Explained | Video | Access Benefit Sharing Project | Published in 2020
While we celebrate Biological Diversity today, let's take a moment to revisit the role of Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) in India. This film explores how BMCs record all plants and animals in the region, their uses, the ones in danger, and the best way to conserve them in the People’s Biodiversity Register. This film was produced as a part of our previous project ‘Access and Benefit-Sharing' implemented at the national level and in the states of Uttarakhand, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
  Important Days and Events  
»  11 May - World Migratory Bird Day (Importance of Insects)
»  12 May - International Plant Health Day
»  20 May - World Bee Day
»  22 May - International Day for Biological Diversity
»  23 May - World Turtle Day
»  5 June - World Environment Day
»  8 June - World Oceans Day
»  9 June - Coral Biodiversity Day
  About the Programme  
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India, in partnership with GIZ India is implementing the Indo-German Biodiversity Programme (IGBP).

Commissioned in India on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the programme addresses the challenges of biodiversity conservation in four projects:
  Enhancement of Smallholder Spice Farmers’ Capacities in Sustainable Farming »  
  One Health and Agroecology »  
  Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystem Services »  
  Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection »  
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  The International Climate Initiative (IKI)  
  Sector Network Natural Resources and Rural Development (SNRD) Asia and Pacific  
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