Knowledge Cafe on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Research

02 Mar, 2016

One of the strategic goals of the capacity development efforts under the GIZ's CMPA project is to enhance the understanding and appreciation of coastal and marine biodiversity amongst key sectors and stakeholders to facilitate the co-creation of solutions for effective and sustainable management of coastal and marine protected areas.

In this effort, the project is facilitating a platform in the form of a ‘Knowledge Café’ to bring together experts from different sectors to discuss research issues in coastal and marine ecosystems that can be taken up by the science and media faculty members of our partners St Xaviers College, Xavier Institute of Communication, and others. Knowledge Cafe on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Research will be organised at St Xaviers College, on 12 March from 09:30 AM-05:30 PM.

The Knowledge Café will provide a multi-disciplinary platform to discuss future research and networking possibilities in coastal and marine biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management.

Key themes of the Knowledge Café are to:

  • Provide the faculty members with insight into the current issues in coastal and marine biodiversity management that make interesting research topics.
  • Provide a snapshot of the research interests of the science and media faculty vis-à-vis coastal and marine ecosystems.
  • Create a platform for brainstorming on the ideas shared by the faculty members.
  • Facilitate networking among the faculty members and experts, for any future possibilities of working together on issues of common interest

The Knowledge Café will see a cross-sector participation of the science and media faculty members from Mumbai, as well as coastal marine experts on coastal and marine ecosystem research from National and International organisations.

Last Date for Registration is 5 March, 2016. For further information please visit

Knowledge Cafe on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Research

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