Bio Trade Congress: Linking Trade and Biodiversity

13 Sep, 2019

The Fifth Bio Trade Congress on linking trade with biodiversity focused on the transformational change needed for businesses and trade to curb biodiversity loss (9-13 September 2019, Geneva). The global Private Business Action for Biodiversity (PBAB) project participated in the UN Trade Forum, with representation from the Indian Spice Industry. The project presented a case study on biodiversity friendly production of spices in Western Ghats and displayed products which are being exported and used in the domestic market. Its conclusions will be included as inputs in the ongoing negotiations on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

Experts and business representatives reviewed major trends in sustainable sourcing, non-tariff barriers, ecolabels, transparency and packaging and their implications for biodiversity the conservation and sustainable use. Discussions showed how sustainable trade of biodiversity-based products and services can contribute to biodiversity conservation. Possible policy frameworks and incentive measures to promote the sustainable use of biodiversity-based products at all levels were also discussed.

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