Joint Declaration adopted by Germany and India to expand cooperation on Environmental Protection

05 Oct, 2015

Germany and India are aiming to reinforce their environmental cooperation especially in the field of climate protection. That is the conclusion of the Third Indo-German intergovernmental consultations chaired by Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi.In a joint statement, both sides are committed, inter alia, to the aim of adopting a global climate change policy in Paris convention that will be held shortly. In addition to the joint statement, both sides agreed that climate protection also requires closer cooperation in the protection of biodiversity. Also, the Indo-German cooperation in waste and water management should be further deepened.

In the joint declaration, both countries reaffirm their intention of improving energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies giving an increasingly important role, thereby substituting fossil fuels. Both sides emphasize their belief that adaptation to climate change should be central to the decisions of Paris. For cooperation new structures have been agreed: Firstly, a bilateral working group under the umbrella of the existing Indo-German Environment Forum. Secondly, a German-Indian alliance for climate protection and renewable energy, in which all relevant actors from both countries are to be represented.

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