Community Awareness and Education Activities at Annual Renuka ji Fair

13 Nov, 2019

Renuka ji lake, a Ramsar site, is a relatively small wetland area, located within the Renuka ji wildlife sanctuary in Sirmaur district, Himachal Pradesh. With temples of deities Renuka ji and Lord Parshuram on its banks, the lake has high cultural and religious value. This wetland is also a pilot site for the BMU IKI project ‘Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection’. The project will be supporting the state wetland authority on integrated management planning and capacity development based on biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate change risks.

Weeklong annual fair at Renuka ji lake attracts over 300,000 pilgrims observing various religious rituals at the lake such as overnight stay on the bank, bathing, religious walk around the lake, making offerings and feeding the fish in the lake. Visit of such a high number of people in a short duration puts immense strain on the lake ecosystem. The huge waste generated during the fair also contributes to pollution in and around the lake.

In 2019 the annual fair was organised from 7-12 November. It featured exhibition stalls by the state departments, cultural performances and commercial stalls. The fair activities are managed jointly by the state forest department and Renuka Vikas Board.

The Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection project took the opportunity of participating in the fair from 7-12 November to generate interest and awareness amongst the pilgrims for lake conservation. An exhibition was organised jointly with the Himachal Pradesh State Wetland Authority. Visitors learnt about the diversity of flora and fauna found in and around the wetland area and shared their own perceptions on the fair and lake. Many visitors recognised and appreciated the lake for its spiritual and aesthetic value, and the fair for its socio-economic role. Some immediate threats to the wetland identified by them included pollution, siltation, sanitation and lack of interest by youth. Suggestions to counter these threats included local mobilistation, better availability of public amenities and awareness campaigns on the ecological values of the wetland.

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