Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation - Web Dialogue Series

12 Mar, 2021

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in partnership with the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MOEF&CC), State Partners (State Forest Department of Karnataka, Uttarakhand and West Bengal) and Wildlife Institute of India (WII) has designed a web dialogue series on human-wildlife conflict management. The main objectives of the web dialogue series are:

  • to raise awareness on HWC mitigation
  • to have a dialogue on the latest development in the field of HWC mitigation in India
  • to inspire the NextGen towards conservation
  • to increase the participation of women in conservation
  • to recognize the efforts of State Forest Departments in HWC mitigation
  • to introduce the newly developed guidelines on conflicting species

Web dialogue 1: Gender Inclusive Approach to Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation

To have an inclusive approach in human-wildlife conflict mitigation management, GIZ and the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MOEF&CC) along with its partners is organizing this web dialogue on Gender Inclusive approach to HWC mitigation. The dialogue will address gender inclusive approach in conservation (in general) and in human wildlife conflict (in particular), the current situation and current approaches of gender-inclusive approach in HWC mitigation, challenges, successful case studies and the ways for improvement.

Date: 12 March 2021 | Time: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm IST 

Who should attend?

Anyone working in the field of conservation, development, human-wildlife conflict management such as Forest Department, practitioners, development professionals, NGOs, GIZ staff, GIZ partners, consultants, and students.


Moderator: Dr Pradeep Mehta

Context setting: Dr Mala Narang Reddy - What is an inclusive approach and how inclusive approach help in HWC mitigation?

Dr Thora Amend (Conservation & Development): Equity in the context of conservation and HWC.

Dr Ruchi Badola (WII) - Situation in India: Current situation and current approach to HWC mitigation

Dr Sonali Ghosh (IFS), Deputy Inspector General of Forests, Central Zoo Authority (TBC): Gender-inclusive approach in the Indian context i.e., current situation, challenges, needs and recommendations.

Dr Ranjini Murali (Snow Leopard Trust): Case studies from the field on gender-inclusive approach in tackling Snow Leopard HWC.


Biodiversity is fundamental to sustain ecosystem processes, functions, and the continued delivery of ecosystem services, which are the foundation of livelihood security, health, and overall well-being of human societies. Conservation of biodiversity, including wildlife, is essential for India, not only because the consequences of biodiversity loss and the resulting loss of ecosystem services have a far-reaching impact on livelihoods and overall wellbeing of human communities, but also due to our cultural heritage, where coexistence is the natural way of living.

This situation in India, however, is changing. The increasing human population and consequent demand for natural resources is leading to the degradation and fragmentation of natural habitats, thus creating a situation where humans and wildlife are competing for the same resources.

Human-wildlife conflict brings economic losses to the tune of millions of rupees to the rural communities in India every year. The increasing frequency and intensity of crop damage and the emotional stigma attached are making the communities less tolerant to wildlife. Mitigation of human-wildlife conflict is thus becoming one of the key issues of concern for both wildlife managers and the scientific community.

Management of human-wildlife conflict in India is an urgent and important issue. It is necessary to address the issue in a holistic manner, and co-create the mitigation solutions, with the full engagement of all the relevant stakeholders.

About the project

The Indo-German project on ‘Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India’ aims at providing technical support at the national level and in the partner states for effective implementation of human-wildlife conflict mitigation measures. The main objective of the project is that the rural population in project areas, where agreed guidelines and tools are applied to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts, is better protected against it. The project takes the approach of harmonious coexistence, by ensuring that both human and wildlife, are protected from conflicts. This approach follows the modern wildlife conservation principles to balance the needs of people with the conservation of nature. Further information

Project Approach

  • Harmonious coexistence, by ensuring that both humans and wildlife, are protected from conflicts. Balance the needs of people with the conservation of nature.
  • Primary focus on capacity development through technical support.
  • Multi-level approach with mutual learning feedback loop (national, selected states, pilot sites).
  • Holistic approach in addressing human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) by considering the “thematic triangle” of Driver-Prevention-Damage mitigation, across three output areas.
  • Engaging key stakeholders during the implementation of the project at all levels, with a focus on human well-being of the most vulnerable sections of society such as the rural poor and women.
  • Process orientation (methods, planning and systems) in implementing mitigation instruments.

Gender Inclusion and GIZ

Gender inclusion is a concept that transcends mere equality. It is the notion that all services, opportunities and establishments are open to all people, and that gender stereotypes do not define societal roles and expectations. Gender equality and the elimination of gender-based discrimination and disadvantages is a core objective and guiding principle of international, European, and German (development) policy. By aligning our work, strategies and processes with this objective and principle, and advising our partners and commissioning parties on designing and implementing measures to achieve gender equality, we will contribute to many national and international agreements, in particular the 2030 Agenda, the European Consensus on Development and the German Sustainable Development Strategy.

The promotion of gender equality and the elimination of gender-based disadvantages and discrimination are two strategic pillars of the GIZ corporate-policy orientation. It is also reflected in our services and the equal opportunity policy of the company. The GIZ Gender Strategy embodies these two pillars and actively communicates them internally and externally. By turning the Gender Policy into action and consistently documenting its implementation, we intend to enhance and consolidate the perception of GIZ as a value-based and responsible company, a reliable partner, and an attractive employer. We consider the implementation of the ‘Gender Equality Plan’ and the ‘Women’s Empowerment Principles’ on the one hand, and the consistent application of the ‘Safeguards + Gender Management System’ on the other, as a key foundation for our corporate sustainability, our credibility and our ability to deliver results, both within Germany and in our partner countries. The ‘Safeguards + Gender Management System’ is applied for all of GIZ’s commissioning parties, clients, and business areas. It assesses commissions, projects and programmes in their specific context, identifies opportunities to promote gender equality and also potential risks and unintended negative impacts at an early stage, draws up specific measures – in the case of risks and unintended negative impacts known as ‘safeguards’ – and follows them up in the project cycle.


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