Workshop organized in Andamans for finalization of the MEE framework and a Training Module on 'Management Effectiveness Evaluation of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in India' jointly by GIZ and the Wildlife Institute

27 Feb, 2017

Under the Output area II (Capacity Development), the project has partnered with the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) to implement specific set of measures directed at individual capacities of MPA managers in the field of coastal and marine biodiversity and protected area management, including the development of an advanced training module on Management Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE)of coastal and marine protected areas. A curriculum development workshop was successfully organized in early 2016 to set the foundation for an MEE framework for India and also to identify the training needs for the managers and evaluators. A set of draft guidelines and evaluator’s guide to implement this framework were prepared and pilot tested during the year 2016.

In order to finalize the MEE framework and the evaluator’s guide, a workshop was organized jointly by GIZ and WII, in the Andamans during February 27- March 1, 2017. The workshop participants included experts on MEE of MPAs from Australia, experts on MEE of terrestrial and tiger reserves from India, evaluators of the ongoing MEE process in India for the terrestrial PAs , MEE experts from WII and GIZ, Marine scientists, and MPA managers from the Andaman and Tamilnadu Forest Departments. The workshop resulted in detailed recommendation for revision of the MEE framework and evaluator’s guide.

For more details on this activity area, please contact Dr. Neeraj Khera at

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