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  Issue no. 19 | June 2022  
  Indo-German Biodiversity Programme Newsletter  
Programme newsletter header
  This newsletter shares project updates and thematic news from our programme
A service by IGBP, GIZ
  Dear Reader,

After two years of working from home, we received an opportunity to observe the International Day of Biodiversity (IBD) in person with our partners and many of you in Chennai. Meeting a diverse group of people brought in different perspectives on approaching biodiversity management in India. It was a refreshing and necessary exercise beyond the silos of subject areas, experience and geographies.

Yesterday was the World Environment Day. The campaign on “Only One Earth" focused on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature” echoing the message of the UN Decade of Biodiversity and Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework on the need for urgent transformative actions to reduce biodiversity loss. It is, after all, our shared responsibility to "build a shared future for all life", which was also the theme of IBD 2022.

In the 19th issue of this newsletter, we are featuring an article on forests and climate change, our experience at the IDB exhibition and a video testimonial from one of the communities from our pilot sites. We started this newsletter three years ago and we hope it stays true to its purpose of sharing our work with you. We thank you for your support and welcome your valuable feedback towards further improving our engagement with you.

Stay safe and healthy.

Updates from the Projects
» Enhancement of Smallholder Spice Farmers’ Capacities in Sustainable Farming
» Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation
» Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystem Services
» Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection
» Forests and Climate Change
» Indo-German partnerships building a shared future for all life!
New Releases and Resources
Upcoming Events
About the Programme
  Updates from the Projects  
Enhancement of Smallholder Spice Farmers’ Capacities in Sustainable Farming
Farmers’ Training on Turmeric in Tamil Nadu
As farmers harvest turmeric in March three training sessions on post-harvest processing of turmeric led by experts were organised for farmers in Erode, Thalawadi and Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) from 28 March to 1 April.
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Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation
Training with Indian Council of Agricultural Research
on 'Taking a One Health Approach to HWC Mitigation' was organised for ADGs and Directors at ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad on 12 May.
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Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystem Services
Workshop on FES and IBMs
An awareness workshop on Forest Ecosystem Services Approach and Incentive-Based Mechanisms was organised for policymakers from Himachal Pradesh to explore concurrent approaches such as IBMs, including Payment for Ecosystem Services, on 20 March.
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Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection
Integrated Management Plan for Point Calimere Ramsar site
A draft IMP was prepared with the Tamil Nadu State Wetland Authority and Forest Department. Meetings were organised at Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur districts with the line departments to discuss the IMP and areas for joint actions on 13 April.
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Forests and Climate Change
Managing Forest Ecosystem Services to Combat Climate Change
Since the onset of the industrial revolution, ecosystems are being impacted with an increased pace due to direct or indirect drivers of change. Climate change is one of the prominent drivers affecting ecosystems and their functions. As per the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report, change of forest to other land use and forest degradation has changed carbon-sinks to carbon sources in different forests across the globe. Further, the warmer and drier conditions have enhanced tree mortality and forest disturbances in many temperate and boreal biomes. These warmer conditions can further lead to potential probabilities of upslope shifting of forests at various locations across the globe.
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Telangana Forest in Himachal Pradesh ©GIZ/Aashima Negi
Indo-German partnerships building a shared future for all life!
International Biodiversity Day with MoEF&CC at Chennai
On 22 May 2022, on the occasion of International Day for Biodiversity, a national event and exhibition were organised by the National Biodiversity Authority, Government of India which was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Mr Bhupender Yadav, and Hon’ble Minister of State Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Mr Ashwiny Kr. Choubey. In the vote of thanks, Dr V B Mathur, Chairperson, NBA appreciated the role of Indo-German partnerships and GIZ in strengthening the preservation and wise use of biological resources. Over the years many Indo-German projects have supported partners across India to fine-tune their biodiversity management strategies. The exhibition booth covered some of these achievements.
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Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change at the GIZ booth ©GIZ/Meenakshi Sakia
  New Releases and Resources  
From the community: Forest Ecosystem Services

Asha Devi is a resident of Pathervi, Himachal Pradesh. In this short video, she talks about the challenges of water scarcity that she and her fellow villagers face and the activities that helped them counter these issues as well as provide employment under the ‘Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystem Services’ project.
  Watch the film »  
  Upcoming Events  
World Food Safety Day | 7 June
World Oceans Day | 8 June
World Day to Combat Desertification| 17 June
World Biodiversity Forum | 26 June - 1 July
  About the Programme  
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India, in partnership with GIZ India is implementing the Indo-German Biodiversity Programme (IGBP).

Commissioned in India on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the programme addresses the challenges of biodiversity conservation in four projects:

• Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystem Services (FES)
• Enhancement of Smallholder Spice Farmers’ Capacities in Sustainable Farming
Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection
• Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India (HWC)
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