Training Resource Material: Holistic Approach to Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India for Community-level Primary Response Teams, Panchayats and Other Community-Based Institutions (2023)

About the Curriculum

Local communities are at the direct helm of HWC. Therefore, there is a need to involve local community members/village elders of panchayats through a participatory approach and develop a community-based emergency response system from within an affected village/ward. The formation and empowerment of community-level Primary Response Teams (Community PRT) in villages/wards or village/ward clusters at HWC hotspots is expected to improve the first response mechanism, support the efforts of the division and range RRTs and especially play a crucial role in crowd management in HWC situations. Training programmes and workshops conducted for panchayats and members of community-level Primary Response Teams focus on reducing accidental encounters, enhancing the competencies of Community PRT members and reducing their vulnerability to human-wildlife conflict and zoonotic diseases by raising awareness.

The training programmes and courses based on this curriculum are intended to create a cadre of community members supporting in the planning, development and implementation of effective and wildlife-friendly HWC mitigation measures.

The curriculum is designed for Community PRTs. Moreover, the curriculum is also suitable for training programmes on HWC mitigation and One Health for panchayat members, members of other community-based institutions, women groups and youth.

The following training sessions have been designed in line with the Supplementary Framework to HWC-NAP on Establishment and Capacity Development of HWC Mitigation Response Teams:

  • Basics of wildlife behaviour and measures to avoid accidental encounters with wildlife Mitigating human-wildlife conflict effectively
  • Maintenance of the Mitigation measures and structures
  • Preventing zoonotic and other emerging diseases: adopting a One Health approach to HWC mitigation
  • Adopting HWC-safe livelihoods to reduce the vulnerability to human-wildlife conflicts
  • Emergency response plan for HWC-related emergencies in the district: Role of Community PRTs

After each session, a reflection exercise should be conducted to discuss the required changes in the curriculum/ training methods/ any other element.

Learning Outcomes of the Training Programme

Possible learning outcomes of the Trainings based on this curriculum

Basics of wildlife behaviour and measures to avoid accidental encounters with wildlife

At the end of the programme, the participants are able to:

  • Outline the ecosystem services provided by wildlife in their areas
  • Outline the behaviour of key species-in-conflict in their areas
  • Demonstrate required safety measures to avoid accidental encounters with wildlife
  • Demonstrate willingness to cooperate with/assist institutions working towards human health and safety in the context of HWC mitigation

Mitigating human-wildlife conflict effectively: Maintenance of the mitigation measures and structures (basic)

At the end of the programme, the participants are able to:

  • Outline the concepts of HWC in the overall landscape and land-use context
  • Illustrate the drivers of conflict, and the responses of people and wildlife in a conflict situation
  • Illustrate the legal, economic and social implications of HWC
  • Illustrate, with examples, the concept of effective and wildlife-friendly mitigation measures
  • Prioritise HWC mitigation measures for their areas
  • Outline the management and maintenance regime of mitigation measures prioritised by them
  • Be open to cooperating with other stakeholders to ensure that the HWC mitigation measures used by them are effective and wildlife-friendly

Preventing zoonotic and other emerging diseases: Taking a One Health approach to HWC mitigation

At the end of the programme, the participants are able to:

  • outline different human-animal-wildlife interface scenarios that can lead to zoonotic and other emerging diseases
  • outline the concept and approach of One Health
  • demonstrate the basic measures to prevent zoonotic and other emerging diseases in their day-to-day operations
  • Be open to supporting the joint cross-sector and inter-agency teams in implementing field measures required for operationalising the One Health approach to HWC mitigation

Adopting HWC-safe livelihoods for reducing the vulnerability to humanwildlife conflicts

At the end of the programme, the participants are able to:

  • Outline the concepts of HWC in the overall landscape and land-use context
  • Outline the risks from HWC to existing crops and cropping patterns and other livelihood options
  • Illustrate the concept of HWC-safe livelihoods
  • Outline good practices and success stories related to HWC-safe livelihoods from their areas
  • Prioritise crops and other livelihood options that are HWC-safe
  • Identify concrete gaps and challenges in adopting new crops/livelihood options
  • Outline training and other capacity development needs required for adopting HWC-safe livelihoods
  • Outline infrastructure and other support required for adopting HWC-safe livelihoods

Emergency response plan for HWC-related emergencies in the district: Role of Community PRTs

At the end of the programme, the participants are able to:

  • Demonstrate information analysis for effective communication to the local community, using specific communication tools
  • Demonstrate the competencies for training local community members regarding HWC
  • Demonstrate willingness to engage local community members in participatory HWC mitigation
  • Demonstrate willingness to cooperate with/assist institutions working towards HWC mitigation

Learning Contents

Content Module HWC-01: An Introduction to Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation: Taking a Holistic and Harmonious Coexistence Approach

This module facilitates comprehension of the basic concepts of biodiversity, wildlife and ecosystem services leading to a profound understanding of the fundamentals of human-wildlife conflict (HWC), its drivers and pressures, current state and trends, impacts and current response measures. At the same time, participants will be encouraged to think and discuss a holistic approach to HWC mitigation, i.e., the drivers, prevention and reduction of impacts, traditional and indigenous measures, and the relevant sectors and key stakeholders in India. The first section facilitates the participants in getting a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the harmonious coexistence approach, holistic approach to mitigating human–wildlife conflict and One Health. Section two of the module provides an HWC profile of selected wildlife species-in-conflict, intended to prevent accidental encounters and to design effective and wildlife-friendly mitigation measures that are aligned with animal behaviour and ecology.

Content Module HWC-02: The Overall Context: Understanding HWC in a Development Context

This module facilitates the participants in developing an understanding of human-wildlife conflict and its mitigation in the overall development context. The concepts and issues related to the holistic approach to HWC mitigation are presented using the DPSIR approach, i.e., drivers, pressures, state, impact and response. With this module, the participants explore the relevance of corridors and landscape connectivity as one of the HWC mitigation measures while appraising the impact of land-use change on HWC. The module facilitates discussions on the relevance and significance of cross-sector cooperation in addressing the issue of HWC. The training sessions will sensitise and equip the participants in designing holistic HWC mitigation measures, which also address the needs and requirements of the most vulnerable and socially disadvantaged groups.

Content Module HWC-03: Legal, Policy, and Administrative Framework for HWC Mitigation in India

This module facilitates a discussion on the conservation ethos of India in relation to its legal framework. It presents an outline and brief history of international conventions and treaties relevant to the conservation of wildlife and, in particular, to HWC mitigation. The primary aim of this module is to serve as a compendium of key regulations, policies, customary rules, guidelines and SOPs related to HWC mitigation in India. The module also provides an analysis of some relevant HWC cases and specific learning points from these cases. The module thus provides information and guiding questions to facilitate a discussion on the application of current legal provisions to the mitigation of HWC in India.

Content Module OH-01: An Introduction to the One Health Approach, Zoonotic and Other Emerging Diseases

This module brings conceptual, analytical and contextual clarity among participants on the One Health concept and approach in the overall development context. It highlights the relevance of the One Health approach in managing the protected areas and wildlife and mitigating the human-wildlife conflict. Additionally, the module provides a thorough explanation of some critical zoonotic and other emerging diseases, including their key drivers such as ecological changes, habitat loss, wildlife trade, the increased interface between human-animal, bushmeat hunting and consumption, animal husbandry practices, impacts and prevention measures. Participants will be introduced to basic concepts of cross-sector cooperation, international and national frameworks, policy and programmes on One Health.