News From The Projects

Community Awareness and Education Activities at Annual Renuka ji Fair

13 Nov, 2019

Renuka ji lake, a Ramsar site, is a relatively small wetland area, located within the Renuka ji wildlife sanctuary in Sirmaur district, Himachal Pradesh. With temples of..

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Writeshop to develop curriculum for Training of Trainer on Biodiversity Management Committees

08 Nov, 2019

Biodiversity Management Committees (BMC) constituted as per the 41(1) of the Biological Diversity Act 2002 at every local body have regulatory functions to support the objectives of the..

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Uttarakhand Biodiversity Board and GB Pant Institute sign MoU for Training of Trainers

07 Nov, 2019

BMC Bio-resource Facilitation Centre also inaugurated..

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Launch of National Sustainable Spice Programme in Andhra Pradesh

06 Nov, 2019

The National Sustainable Spice Programme (NSSP) was launched in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh on 6th November 2019 with a vision of ensuring that at least 25% of the..

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Workshop on Biodiversity Act for Environmental Science and Tech Students

04 Nov, 2019

As part of the Indo-German Biodiversity Programme, the Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Partnership Project of..

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Mitigating Human-Gaur Conflict: Meeting for Coordinators and Authors of Gaur SOP at Coimbatore

29 Oct, 2019

Human-gaur conflicts occur mainly at the interface of forest and adjoining human dominated landscape. Rapid loss and fragmentation of..

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Business Dialogues on Access and Benefit-sharing compliance in Tamil Nadu

24 Oct, 2019

The Tamil Nadu Biological Diversity Rules were notified in 2017 to implement the provisions of the Biological Diversity Act 2002. The rules provide overall guidance for..

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Workshop on Biodiversity Act, 2002 for Law Students

15 Oct, 2019

The Access and Benefit Sharing Partnership Project in cooperation with the Uttarakhand Biodiversity Board (UBB) conducted an interactive workshop for..

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Uttarakhand Biodiversity Board and Law College, Uttaranchal University sign MoU

12 Oct, 2019

As part of the Indo-German project on Access and Benefit Sharing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on..

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