News From The Projects

ABS Monitoring Tool presented at CBD Global Monitoring Workshop, Bonn

01 Oct, 2019

Currently in India most users accessing bio-resources for research and commercial purposes are outside the purview of the..

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Meeting of the group of authors, coordinators on 'Legal provisions' under National Action Plan

30 Sep, 2019

The Indo-German Project “Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation (HWC)” in India organised a one-day meeting on 30th September 2019 for..

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Weeklong Training Expedition on “Holistic Approach to Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India” at Karnataka

28 Sep, 2019

A one-week training expedition on “Holistic Approach to Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India” was organised at Madikeri, Kodagu in Karnataka from..

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Implementing the Access and Benefit-sharing provisions of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002: From principles to practice

24 Sep, 2019

The Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Board with support of the Access and Benefit Sharing Partnership Project conducted training for the District Forest Officers (DFOs) in..

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Role of Panchayats in Wildlife Conservation and Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in Karnataka

27 Sep, 2019

A workshop for Village Panchayat leaders of Kodagu district, Karnataka was organised to develop a common understanding among the..

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National Workshop on Developing Guidelines for Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India

20 Sep, 2019

A National workshop on Development of Guidelines for Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India was jointly organised by GIZ, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and..

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Institutionalising Long Term Ecological Monitoring System in the Himachal Pradesh Forest Department

17 Sep, 2019

The Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystem Services (HP-FES) Project planned to establish a simple and continuous Long Term Ecological Monitoring (LTEM) system for..

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Bio Trade Congress: Linking Trade and Biodiversity

13 Sep, 2019

The Fifth Bio Trade Congress on linking trade with biodiversity focused on the transformational change needed for businesses and..

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