Communication Strategy for ABS in India launched at the UN Biodiversity Conference at Egypt

22 Nov, 2018

The Access and Benefits Sharing (ABS) Partnership Project, India contributed in a side-event titled “Does everyone know everything? – Connecting with your audience and demystifying communication on ABS”. The side-event was hosted by the ABS Capacity Development Initiative and Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on 21st November 2018 at the Communication, Education and Public Awareness Fair. It was organised along the side-lines of the 14th meeting of Conference of Parties to the CBD in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

A country-level communication strategy was developed by the ABS Partnership Project based on a national workshop held in May 2018 at Chennai, India. ABS experts, representatives from industries, government line departments, legal professionals, media professionals and other ABS projects in India participated in the workshop. The communication strategy focuses on ensuring that stakeholders become aware of their role in ABS and for cooperation and shared understanding of the process involved.

Dr. Geetha Nayak, GIZ presenting the communication strategy developed by the ABS Partnership Project

Dr. A. K. Mehta, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India launched the brochure on ‘Communication Strategy for ABS in India’ and addressed the participants. He highlighted India’s efforts in implementing mandates under the Nagoya Protocol through the national framework on ABS.

Dr. Geetha Nayak (GIZ-India) presented the communication strategy developed by the project to engage with key stakeholders such as Biodiversity Management Committees, line departments dealing with bio-resources, national and international companies, researchers etc. The side-event also presented how ABS implementing countries are adopting various measures to communicate ABS and to engage with stakeholders.


Launch of the brochure on ‘Communication Strategy for ABS in India’ by Dr. A. K. Mehta, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment

Supporting statutory organisations and communication for ABS implementation in India

Brochure on “Communication Strategy for ABS in India” can be downloaded here.

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