Workshop on Biodiversity Governance and Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) for NGOs and Community-based Organisations at Tamil Nadu in December 2018

13 Dec, 2018

The Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Partnership Project and Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Board (TNBB) conducted a workshop for Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and other Community-based Organisations (CBOs) on 13 December 2018 at Salem, Tamil Nadu. The workshop discussed the implementation of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002, operationalisation of Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) and the role of NGOs and CBOs in achieving the objectives of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002.

The participants were addressed by Mr. Kayarat Mohandas IFS, APCCF-Central Region, Mr. A. Udhayan IFS, Secretary, TNBB, Mr. A. Periasamy IFS, District Forest Officer-Salem, and Mr. M. Mahendharan IFS, Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division-Salem.

Mr. A. Udhayan IFS, Secretary, TNBB addressing the participants

Participants engaging in discussion at the Workshop at Salem

The workshop began with an introduction to biodiversity, its threats and conservation. Dr. Suhas Nimabalkar–Eitimo Ventures (Biodiversity Law, IP & Regulatory Affairs)–conducted sessions on biodiversity governance and policies in the international and national context, and sustainable development goals. Mr. John Britto from the Covenant Centre for Development (CCD), Madurai, described a case study of medicinal plant trade in the context of ABS in Tamil Nadu, commissioned by the ABS Partnership Project, and CCD’s work in the conservation of medicinal plants and ABS in Madhya Pradesh, which won the India Biodiversity Award in 2016. Further sessions discussed establishment of BMCs in Tamil Nadu and the processes involved in the documentation of PBRs. Moderated discussions on the role of NGOs and CBOs were also conducted.

The general feedback of the workshop was positive. 27 NGOs participated in the workshop, most of which worked in the field of environment, biodiversity and conservation.

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