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  Issue no. 16 | Nov 2021  
  Indo-German Biodiversity Programme Newsletter  
Programme newsletter header
  This newsletter shares project updates and thematic news from our programme
A service by IGBP, GIZ
  Dear Reader,

With the oncoming Delhi winter, we bring to you our last newsletter for 2021. We thank you for being a part of our journey so far and hope you stay with us in the issues to come!

The last few weeks have been exciting for us, with our slow and careful return to the field. Globally, in the last two months, we’ve also been witness to significant negotiations and commitments towards biodiversity and climate action. The decisions made therein will have a far-reaching impact on all of us and will also remain a topic of much discussion before the next round of negotiations begin. All of these global processes and local actions are steps towards fulfilling our shared hope of living in harmony with nature and leaving behind a healthy earth for our children.

In the sixteenth issue of this newsletter, we bring exciting news from the field, a word from our partners at MoEF&CC and some takeaways from the recently concluded part-1 of the CBD COP15 and UNFCCC COP26. We’ve also featured a short film on the Renuka lake, a Ramsar wetland known for its cultural significance. We thank you for your support and welcome your valuable feedback towards further improving our engagement with you.

Stay safe and healthy.

Updates from the Projects
» Enhancement of Smallholder Spice Farmers’ Capacities in Sustainable Farming
» Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India
» Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection
» Incentive Based Mechanisms for Forest-Water Ecosystem Services
» When Climate met Biodiversity
New Releases and Resources
Upcoming Events
About the Programme
  Updates from the Projects  
Enhancement of Smallholder Spice Farmers’ Capacities in Sustainable Farming
©Shantanu Pal/Pexels
Training Turmeric Farmers in Tamil Nadu
A series of training sessions were organised from 18 – 23 October with the farmers from Thalavadi, Gobichattepalaym and Erode (Tamil Nadu). Exposure visits helped the farmers gain practical knowledge on sustainable practices.
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Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India
National HWC Mitigation Strategy and Action Plan Released
India's National Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Strategy and Action Plan and 4 supplementary frameworks were released by the Minister of State, MoEF&CC, Mr Ashwini Kumar Choubey along with Mr Soumitra Dasgupta ADG (WL) at the end of the Wildlife Week.
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Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection
'Wetlands of India' portal launched
On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, 2 October, the Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Mr Bhupender Yadav launched the wetlands portal, which will be a single point access system for information on Indian wetlands.
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Incentive Based Mechanisms for Forest-Water Ecosystem Services
By Dr Suneesh Buxy, IG (Forests) Externally Aided Projects, MoEF&CC
Western Himalayas are home to a wide range of forest types, ranging from tropical and subtropical to dry tropical evergreen and mountain moist deciduous forests. These forests not only provide a wide array of services for sustaining livelihoods but also provide services that enhance the supply of water to upward and downward communities. Water-related forest ecosystem services or water ecosystem services are benefits derived from various functions of forests. These include groundwater recharge, water supply and recreational opportunities. Therefore, management of forest can directly impact the delivery of water and associated ecosystem services.

The communities may face technical, cultural, or financial barriers to discourage changing approaches. As a result, they need a reason and motivation to shift to new sustainable practices. Incentives-based mechanisms seek to address these issues.
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©GIZ/Aashima Negi
When Climate met Biodiversity
Key takeaways from Part-1 of CBD COP15 and UNFCCC COP26
The long-awaited CBD-COP15, part one of two, and UNFCCC COP26 saw their share of commitments, hits and misses. "The fact that the two COPs are taking place pretty much back-to-back gives us that excellent opportunity to show how issues of biodiversity and climate change are inseparable," said Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary of the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), "climate change is becoming an increasingly serious driver of biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation - and that loss threatens to worsen climate change."
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Signage from CBD COP15 and COP26
  New Releases and Resources  
Renuka Lake: Nature’s Mythical Treasure

Nestled in the foothills of the Western Himalayas Renuka Lake in Himachal Pradesh is a natural wetland of immense cultural significance and international importance. It is also one of the pilot sites of the 'Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection' project. Many livelihoods depend on the lake which is also home to a variety of animals, fishes, and birds. This film is a short story of what makes the lake a natural and cultural treasure.
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  Upcoming Events  
World Soil Day | 5 December
World Mountain Day | 11 December
  About the Programme  
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India, in partnership with GIZ India is implementing the Indo-German Biodiversity Programme (IGBP).

Commissioned in India on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the programme addresses the challenges of biodiversity conservation in five projects:

• Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystem Services (FES)
• Enhancement of Smallholder Spice Farmers’ Capacities in Sustainable Farming
Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection
• Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India (HWC)
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