
Benefit Sharing and Bioresource Traceability

22 May, 2020

Digital Application to Trace the Origin of Bioresources

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How birds can help us save forests and provide livelihood

22 May, 2020

A Case Study from HP-FES Project

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Wetlands - Diversity of Life, Diversity of Services

22 May, 2020

What is so special about the ‘land which is wet’

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The world has gone viral!

22 May, 2020

Reimagining development post COVID-19 lockdown

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From the Partners: Testimony for the ABS Project

22 May, 2020

By SS Rasaily, Member Secretary, Uttarakhand Biodiversity Board

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From the Beneficiaries: Testimony from Pathrevi for the HP-FES Project

22 May, 2020

By Hansa Kumar, 35, Resident, Pathrevi

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