Knowledge Café on HWC Mitigation of selected species

20 Jun, 2020

An online “Knowledge Café on HWC Mitigation of selected species” session was jointly organised by Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA) Dehradun and GIZ on 20th June 2020 with the participation of 73 probationary IFS officers and 8 resource persons from diverse backgrounds.

Dr Senthil Kumar, Additional Professor, IGNFA and Dr Pradeep Mehta, Technical Expert, GIZ commenced the discussion with an overview of the sessions and relevance of HWC mitigation module for the Probationary officers.

Mr Rupak De shared his experience in the form of case studies from Uttar Pradesh, which was followed by inputs from Dr K Ramesh on the occurrence and distribution, ecology and behaviour of Tiger. Professor BC Choudhury spoke on the occurrence and distribution, ecology and behaviour of Crocodiles and various mitigation strategies; and Dr Senthil Kumar shared a case study from Andaman and Nicobar Islands on human-crocodile conflict and possible mitigation strategies.

Dr Bivash Pandav provided inputs on the concepts and experiences on human-elephant conflict from India. Each input was followed by a discussion with probationary IFS officers, where specific questions were answered by the resource persons. The session concluded with Dr Senthil Kumar, Additional Professor, IGNFA thanking the resource person for their inputs and clearing doubts of the probationary IFS officers.

The session was moderated by Dr Pradeep Mehta, GIZ and coordinated by Mr Vimarsh Sharma, Junior Technical Expert, GIZ.


About the project

The Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation (HWC) project implemented by GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change aims at providing technical support at the national level, and effective implementation of HWC mitigation measures in selected states of India. The project pilot sites are: Haridwar Forest Division and adjoining landscape including Rajaji Tiger Reserve in Uttarakhand, Gorumara Wildlife Division in West Bengal, and Kodagu Forest Circle in Karnataka.

The main objective of the project is that the rural population in project areas, where agreed guidelines and tools are applied to mitigate human-wildlife conflict, is better protected against it. The project takes the approach of harmonious coexistence, by ensuring that both—human and wildlife—are protected from conflict. Read More

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