“Go Wild for Life”: Celebrating the World Environment Day at Anjarle, Maharashtra

05 May, 2016

Go Wild for life”- keeping in mind the theme for this year’s World Environment Day, Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra (SNM) jointly organised an event at Anjarle village, in association with the Grampanchayat, and GIZ’s CMPA project.

Village members celebrating the World Environment Day at Anjarle village with SNM, Grampanchayat, and GIZ's CMPA project

A key highlight of the event organised on 5 June, was the distribution of saplings of native trees amongst 80 village members. In fact, SNM also announced that next year on the same day, award will be given to the person having the healthiest trees developed from the saplings.

Saplings of 11 species of fruits and flowering trees were distributed amongst 80 village members

The participants were also introduced through various interactive presentations on the need to conserve threatened wildlife, and the importance of planting trees. SNM resource person on forestry Mrs. Jilpa Nijsure with help of Yogiraj Rathod (SNM member) and AbhinayKelaskar (SNM member and GIZ Project Associate) conducted the thematic sessions of the event.

In picures (left): Mrs. Jilpa Nijsure, SNM's resource person explaining importance of World Environment Day, (right) Saplings planted in the Grampanchayat office premises by members of Grampanchayat

In the first session SNM’s ongoing work on participatory conservation of Indian Pangolin in Konkan region was explained to the participants. In the second session, Mrs. Nijsure explained the significance of the World Environment Day, as well as that of native tree plantation. Mrs. Nijsure also shared technical tips on pit digging for planting the sapling and its aftercare.

Sarpanch, Gramsevak and women members of Anjarle Grampanchayat planting a sapling of laburnum in the Grampanchayat office premises

The CMPA project is a part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag. The CMPA project is implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of BMUB. Participatory process, capacity development, and awareness and communication are the three crucial pillars for the implementation of the CMPA project in the coastal states of Goa, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.

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