PBR of Chorao: Commencement of ward-wise resource mapping

27 Mar, 2017

Following the inception meeting for the development of the People’s Biodiversity Register of Chorao, TERI, the institution that was appointed as the Technical Support Group (TSG) by the Goa State Biodiversity Board has begun the process of facilitation the BMC (Biodiversity Management Committee) in the participatory mapping of natural resources of the village. Chorao has nine wards and this exercise is being undertaken at the level of the ward using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques. The PRA exercise is carried out with members of the respective ward, BMC members and elected panchayat members. This is followed up by transect walks that are used to validate the data collected through the resource mapping exercise.

Members of the Chorao BMC focused on a ward level resource mapping exercise

The dates for the resource mapping and transect walk activities are scheduled in collaboration with the ward members and BMC and panch members. The facilitation of the PBR for Chorao is being undertaken as one of the activities of the CMPA Project by providing support to the BMC, though a contract with the TSG.

For more information on the inception meeting, please click here.

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