News From The Projects

Role of Gram Panchayats in Wildlife Conservation and Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation

13 Sep, 2019

Workshop for Gram Panchayat Pradhans and other representative community leaders in West Bengal..

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Pilot testing of training modules on operationalisation of Biodiversity Management Committees

29 Aug, 2019

Biodiversity Diversity Management Committees (BMC) are decentralised, third-tier institutional structures established under Section 41(1) of the..

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Integrated Management of Point Calimere Ramsar Site – Current Staus, Trends and Challenges

27 Aug, 2019

Point Calimere wetland complex is a mosaic of tropical dry evergreen forest, mangroves, mudflats, lagoon, creeks, and streams, etc. in the..

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Training of Trainers for supporting Biodiversity Management Committees in Maharashtra

26 Aug, 2019

Under the scope of ABS partnership Project a one day ‘Orientation Workshop for Trainers to undertake training for..

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Capacity building of BMCs and bio-resource-based industries

13 Aug, 2019

The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 aims to address conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in India and..

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Consultation meeting with Kodaikanal Biodiversity Management Committee to obtain feedback on ABS application

08 Aug, 2019

The provisions of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 lay emphasis on obtaining feedback from Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) or..

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Role of Educational Institutions in Wildlife Conservation and Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation

03 Aug, 2019

Workshop for the Principals and Senior Teachers in West Bengal..

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Training on Holistic Approach on Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India

02 Aug, 2019

A 5-day training on a ‘Holistic Approach on Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation in India’, for Divisional Forest Officers (DFO) and..

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Meeting of Group of Coordinators and Authors on SOP for mitigating Human-Elephant Conflict

01 Aug, 2019

The Indo-German Project “Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation (HWC)” in India organised a two-day meeting for the authors of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for..

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