News From The Projects

Workshop on the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and Access and Benefit Sharing Regulation 2014 for line department officials, Theni District in Tamil Nadu

29 Apr, 2017

The Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Board and GIZ organized a workshop on the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and ABS Provisions 2014 under the Access..

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CMPA Project hosts the ValuES field trip to Chorao Island, Goa

28 Apr, 2017

Over 40 participants from 17 countries that attended the Fourth ValuES Regional Asia-Africa-Europe meeting in Goa used the last day of their..

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Workshop conducted to finalize eLearning courses on coastal and marine biodiversity for Science and Media students

26 Apr, 2017

In continuation with the ongoing support by CMPA project to partner institutions in developing eLearning courses on coastal and marine..

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"Training expedition on Resource Assessment and Sustainable Management of Marine Fisheries" in Veraval, Gujarat

24 Apr, 2017

GIZ, WII, Gujarat Forest Department and the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) jointly organized a “Training expedition on..

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Training Expedition conducted by CMPA project on marine fisheries for the managers of forest, fisheries and Indian Coast Guard officials

19 Apr, 2017

Training Expedition on "Sustainable Management of Marine Fisheries for Conserving Coastal and Marine Resources" conducted during..

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Trainings of Eco-club School Teachers on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity and Protected Area Management in Gujarat

10 Apr, 2017

Trainings of Eco-club School Teachers on “Coastal and Marine Biodiversity and Protected Area Management in Gujarat” were organized jointly by..

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CMPA project staff from the Mangrove Cell honoured with the "Friend of Turtle" Award

05 Apr, 2017

The two project associates in Maharashtra for the CMPA project, Mr. Mohan Upadhye and Mr. Abhinay Kelaskar were awarded the Friend of..

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Special parallel session on "Scope and Challenges in Implementing Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) in India"

05 Apr, 2017

14:00-15:00hrs; Board Room, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun

At the XIX Commonwealth Forestry Conference, GIZ had a special parallel event on the “Scope and Challenges in Implementing ABS in..

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PBR of Chorao: Commencement of ward-wise resource mapping

27 Mar, 2017

Following the inception meeting for the development of the People’s Biodiversity Register of Chorao, TERI, the institution that was appointed as..

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