BMZ delegation visits FES project in Himachal Pradesh

15 Jun, 2019

Delegates from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Embassy, GIZ India and KfW (German development bank) visited Himachal Pradesh on 15th June 2019. The main objective of the visit was to provide an overview of the activities of the Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystem Services project to the delegation.

The delegates visited one of the project demonstration sites in Palampur and interacted with the local communities to understand their needs. The Village Forest Development Society (VFDS) explained the process of the project activities, its preparation and implementation. This was followed by a visit to the forest areas where the project will implement key activities.

The delegates also had the chance to exchange views with the women’s group from the community on the development of the project with respect to planning and practices. It was acknowledged by BMZ that the women’s group was the most active participant in protecting forests. The micro plan focusing on the zone-wise management of the prioritised forest ecosystem services was also well presented by the community.

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